Sheridan Crane
How is Julian going to kill Sheridan? A)Poison her wedding ring B)Shoot her c)Food poison her
D)none of the above
Who got locked in the Reporter's office? A)Ethan B)Ivy C)Whitney and Chad
D)Gwen and Rebecca
Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald
What did Theresa's Fortune Cookie Say? A)You will loose someone you love B)You will have a very happy day C)Your fiancee old girlfriend will win him back
D)Beware of what today brings
Grace Bennett
Where did David take Grace? A)To the Bed and Breakfast B)To the Wharf C)Out of Harmony
D)None of the above
Whitney Russell
Why does Whitney think she and Chad can't be together? A)Eve won't let them be together B)So Simone can have Chad C)Whitney met someone else
D)None of the above
Who almost got poisoned from Sheridan's wedding ring? A)Theresa B)Whitney C)Gwen
Chad Harris
Why didn't Chad tell Ethan the truth about who e-mailed the reporter? A)He didn't want to hurt Theresa B)He knew Ethan would be very upset C)Whitney told him not to
D)None of the above
1)A 2)C 3)D 4)A